


Title: Social integration and loneliness among long-term care home residents: protocol for a scoping review.
Author(s): Bethell J, Babineau J, Iaboni A, Green R, Cuaresma-Canlas R, Karunananthan R, Schon B, Schon D, McGilton KS.
Journal: BMJ Open, 9(12):e033240.
Pages/DOI: 1-6
Date: December 9, 2019



Title: Organization of work and decision making of professionals working in nursing homes in Catalonia (Spain)
Author(s): Gea-Sanchez, M, Teres-Vidal, L, Alcondada-Romero, A., Patells-Peiro, R, Blanco-Bianco, J., McGilton, K
Journal: Innovation in Aging 3(1)
Pages/DOI: S699
Date: November 16, 2019

Title: The Influence of Health and Social Supports on Outcomes Post Rehabilitation for Hip Fracture Surgery: Systematic Review.
Author(s): McGilton, K.S, Vellani, S*., Omar
Journal: Innovation in Aging 3(1)
Pages/DOI: S737
Date: November 16, 2019

Title: Screening for vision and hearing loss in older adults
Author(s): McGilton, K. S Hobler, Wittich, W.
Journal: Innovation in Aging 3(1)
Pages/DOI: S120–S121
Date: November 13, 2019

Title: Factors that influence reintegration into normal living for older adults 2 years post hip fracture.
Author(s): McGilton, K.S, Stewart, S., Chu, C*, Omar, A., Blodget, M*. Davis, A.
Journal: J Appl Gerontol.
Pages/DOI: 10.1177/0733464819885718
Date: November 15, 2019


Title: Embodying person centered being and doing: Leading towards person centered care in nursing homes as narrated by managers.
Author(s): Backman, A., Ahnlund, P., Sjogren, K., Lovheim, H., McGilton, K.S., Edvardsoon, D.
Journal: J Clin Nurs.
Pages/DOI: DOI: 10.1111/jocn.15075.
Date: October 2019

Title: Enteral versus oral feeding in advanced dementia
Author(s): Vellani, Shirin.
Journal: J Am Assoc Nurse Pract
Pages/DOI: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000199
Date: October 2019



Title: Factors Associated With Nurses' Job Satisfaction In Residential Long-term Care: The Importance of Organizational Context.
Author(s): (C). Alioso, L., Gifford, W., McGilton, K.S., Lalonde, M., Estabrooks, C. Squires, J.
Journal: J Am Med Dir Assoc.
Pages/DOI: doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2019.06.020
Date: August 2019


Title: Unpacking the Multiple Dimensions and Responsibility Levels of the Charge Nurse Role in Long-Term Care
Author(s): (SR) Escrig-Pinol, A., Hempinstall, M*, McGilton, K.S.
Journal: International Journal of Older People’s Nursing
Date: July 2019

Title: The impact of the long-term care homes act and public reporting on physical restraint and potentially inappropriate antipsychotic use in Ontario’s long-term care homes.
Author(s): (c)Walker, K, Shearkhani, S., Bai, Y. Q., McGilton, K.S., Berta, W., Wodchis, W.
Journal: Journal of Gerontology: Med Sci.
Pages/DOI: doi: 10.1093/gerona/glz143
Date: July 2019

Title: Social integration and loneliness among long term care residents: protocol for a scoping review
Author(s): (SR) Bethell, J., Babineau, J., Iaboni, A., Green, R., McGilton, K.
Journal: BMJ Open
Date: July 2019

Title: COMPASS-ND cohort of the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging
Author(s): (C) Chertkow, H., Rylett, J., Black, S., Rockwood, K., Hogan, D., Masellis, M., McGilton, K.S. , Gauthier, S.,Feldman, H.
Journal: Can J Neurol Sci
Pages/DOI: 1–13
Date: July 2019



Title: Factors Associated With Nurses' Job Satisfaction In Residential Long-term Care: The Importance of Organizational Context.
Author(s): (C). Alioso, L., Gifford, W., McGilton, K.S., Lalonde, M., Estabrooks, C. Squires, J.
Journal: J Am Med Dir Assoc.
Pages/DOI: doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2019.06.020
Date: August 2019


Title: Advancing long-term care science through using Common Data Elements: Candidate measures for care outcomes of Personhood, Wellbeing, and Quality of Life
Author(s): Edvardsson, D., Baxter, R., Corneliusson, L., Anderson, R., Beeber, A., Boas, PV., Corazzini, K., Gordon, A., Hanratty, B., Jacinto, A., Lepore, M., Leung, A., McGilton, K.S., Meyer, J., Schols, J., Schwartz, L., Shepherd, V., Skoldunger, A., Thompson, R., Toles, M., Wachholz, P., Wang, J., Wu, B., and Zúñiga, F.
Journal: Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, Vol 5
Pages/DOI: 1-15
Date: May 2019

Title: Recommended Common Data Elements for International Research in Long-Term Care Homes: Exploring the Workforce and Staffing Concepts of Staff Retention and Turnover
Author(s): (SR) Zúñiga, F.,Chu, C*., Boscart, V. Fagertun, A, Gea-Sánchez, M., Meyer, J., Spilsbury, K., Devi, R., Haunch, K., Zheng, N., McGilton. K.S
Journal: Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, Vol 5
Pages/DOI: 16-22
Date: May 2019

Title: Rationale and protocol of the ENGAGE study: a double-blind randomized controlled preference trial using a comprehensive cohort design to measure the effect of a cognitive and leisure-based intervention in older adults with a memory complaint.
Author(s): Belleville, S., (PI), Moussard, A., Ansaldo, A., Belchio, P., Bherer, l., Bier, N., Bohbot, VD., Bruneau, MA, Cuddy, L., Gilbert, B., Jokel, R., Mahalingam, K., McGilton, K.S, Murphsy, KJ. Naglie, G., Rochon, E., Troyer, AK., Anderson, ND.
Journal: Trials 22;20(1):
Pages/DOI: 282, doi: 10.1186/s13063-019-3250-6.
Date: May 2019



Title: Agreement on the use of sensory screening techniques by nurses for older adults with cognitive impairment in long-term care: A mixed-methods consensus approach
Author(s): (SR)Wittich, W., Jarry, J., Höbler, F, & McGilton, K.
Journal: BMJ Open, 9(9):e027803
Pages/DOI: doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-027803
Date: April 2019

Title: Screening for Vision Impairments in Individuals with Dementia in Long Term care: A scoping review
Author(s): (C) Campos, J., Hobler, F., Bitton, E., Labreche, T., McGilton, K.S., Wittach, W.
Journal: Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Pages/DOI: ​DOI: 10.3233/JAD-181129
Date: April 2019


Title: Strategies to facilitate shared decision-making in long-term care
Author(s): (SR) Cranley LA, Slaughter S, Caspar S, Heisey M., Huang M.,Killackey T, McGilton K.S.
Journal: International Journal of Older People Nursing
Date: 20 March 2020

Title: Assessing determinants of perceived quality in transitions for people with dementia: A prospective observational study.
Author(s): (C) Drummond, N., McClearly, L., Garcia, L., McGilton, K.S., Molnar, F., Dalziel, W., Xu, T.J., Turner, D., Triscott, J., Freihit, E.
Journal: Canadian Geriatrics Journal. Vol 22, No 1
Date: March 2019